David Kanter (producer: The End of the Tour, The Revenant & manager: Anonymous Content) talks developing scripts and producing films while separately managing writers and filmmakers.
We talk about:
- Working at Anonymous Content
- Growing up in Michigan
- Making of ‘The End of the Tour’
- Getting ‘The Revenant’ produced
- A pilot, ten years in the making
- The current state of the film and television industries
- A kind of work ethic the yields success
- Balancing life as a manager and a producer
Quotes from the show:
“The movie happened because it reflected for everyone who made it something that was essential to each of us.”
“All the things I aspired to do growing up with movies, I kind of transferred it over now to the world of television that I watch.”
“One of the nice things about being a manager as opposed to being an agent, it’s an unspoken but very powerfully interpreted rule that you don’t go and steal other people’s business. You just don’t do it.”
“I just work really hard. I set goals every week. I have lots of systems of follow up. I read pretty heavily, and I watch movies and television, and I go to the theater, and I’m in the business of trying to find stuff that should be elevated in some other form, and things that I genuinely have a… I can develop a conviction or are important to me.”
“To my clients, I spent 100% of my time thinking about each and every one of you 100% of the time.”